
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Avoiding Job Mismatch: A Guide for Students

Gain a good network. You’ll need reliable resources to achieve the job you want. You can only gain reliable resources of info through networking. Hence, start setting your connections. With the social networking websites nowadays like Facebook and Twitter, it’s fast and easy to connect to your previous acquaintances. You can also have new contacts in your field using social networking websites. Aside from helping to get you a matching job, you can also seek their assistance in finding a good company or employer, get a favor for promotion, obtain future clients for your company, learn new things in your industry, get updated with what’s on the lead, or anything that concerns your field.
Have a clear vision of what you are in the future. Picture what you really want to happen in the future. Know the things that you want to achieve and list them. Once you have a clear vision of the specific job you want in details, you’d have a more reliable plan on what to do to achieve it.
 Don’t rely on short cuts. Never expect luck in achieving the job you want. There is no such thing as short cuts in knowing and achieving the job that suits you. If you want to have a job that matches you well, work on it. Go with the process. Study well while you’re at school. Do your best and never cheat. Cheating, deceits, and other bad deeds will only make it harder for you to achieve the matching job for you. Don’t believe when someone says he or she can give you the dream job in an instant, especially if he or she requires payment. There are a lot of scam bugs who take advantage of people searching for jobs.
 Aim to become the best. If you want to succeed, aim for 100%. It’ll increase your chances on landing on the best job that suits you. Don’t settle for “enough” when you’re not yet standing on the very top of your career. Be aware of yourself when you pertain to the results of your work using the words okay, enough, all right. You may be missing your chance of getting a matching job.
Competition and economy are not only the reasons of the worsening job mismatches. High demand for employees is not a guarantee you’ll get the job. If you want to avoid job mismatch, choose your college course and the job that you want to achieve… and make yourself the best to qualify for that job.

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